Supporting documents

The PCO and CCO Supporting Documents tabs let you add supporting documentation. You can upload documentation via a file, link or through InEight Document integration.

Supporting documents can be uploaded via a file or through InEight Document integration. At the PCO level, no supporting documents are required, however it is a best practice to include all documents relating to the PCO. At the CCO level, an executed change order must be attached before the CCO status can be changed to Executed.

You add supporting documents by clicking the Add icon on the PCO or CCO Supporting Documents tab. You have the choice of adding a new supporting document or adding a document from InEight Document.

When you choose New supporting document, you can add the appropriate documents as needed by filling out the Title and Document type in the Add supporting document dialog box, then browsing to your document file and attaching it. When the document is added from InEight Document, and the document type in Document matches a document type in the cloud platform, that value shows as the default document type. You can edit the document type as needed.

When you choose From InEight Document, you are taken to the Document login window.

When you add a supporting document type of Proposal and subtype From vendor, you can select a vendor from a list of all contracts on the PCO or CCO. This lets you specify which contract the supporting document is related to and gives visibility into which contract to associate the proposal to.

Show supporting documents in generated documents

A toggle on the Supporting documents register, Show in generated document, lets you indicate whether the document is shown in a collection table based on the collection table type. When you have a supporting document that you do not want to show in a collection table in a generated document, set the toggle to No. When a document is generated, only the documents that were set to Yes are shown.